Monday, 29 September 2014

Catching up

Well here we are, the idea behind the blog was to keep people posted  about how we have been doing at the marsh and I think I am suffering from the notion that everything i write has to be wise and inspirational. I can hear the laughter so lets get to what a banders blog is supposed to be about birds and what we have banded at the marsh this fall. So without any more drama  lets get to the birds. So far this late summer and early Autumn we have banded  about 400 birds representing  38 species . While the following list is not complete here are some of the highlights of the season

warblers in no taxonomic order this  is the order I copied them off the banding sheets

American redstart
yellow- rumped warbler
palm warbler

cape may warbler
bay breasted warbler
magnolia warbler
Nashville warbler
Canada warbler
chestnut sided warbler
Tennessee warbler
orange crowned warbler
mourning warbler
common yellow throat
black and white warbler

white throat
white crowned

other birds

alder flycatcher
least flycatcher
olive sided flycatcher ***** The second we have ever banded
purple finch
ruby crowned kinglet
brown creeper
red breasted nuthatch
rose breasted grosbeak
swainsons thrush
hairy woodpecker
 blue jay
red winged blackbird
red eyed vireo
Philadelphia vireo
american gold finch
black capped chickadee
northern saw whet owl

Try saying all of those birds in one breath!!! So that is what we have been up to please keep checking the blog for more highlights as I will try and both figure out to make posts and do them in a timely fashion.. Please stay in touch if you would like to become involved or if you have any questions or suggestions for us at the Hilliardton marsh.   Murph

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