By bruce murphy
Another owl banding season has pretty much come to a close
and we were fortunate to get a glimpse into the lives of these mysterious owls.
We managed to band 320 Northern sawwhet owls and 7 boreal owls and 2 long eared
owls . Our last public night for owls was thanksgiving weekend and we had over
500 visitors over the length of the banding season come out to see the owls. Our
research currently is how many boreals may be around this year.
Boreal owls are
usually caught in low numbers when it is not the peak of their migration which
will happen next in 2016. The boreals peak every four years and in 2012 we
banded 202 so you can imagine we look forward to this 4 ear event.
I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who supported
our research by buying a membership or making a donation during the banding.
Your support makes a huge difference and allows us to carry on this important
research as we are trying to learn more about these wonderful creatures of the
night. It was also great to meet so many
new friends young and not so young. I also wanted to take a moment to thank
every single adult you came with a youngling.
Bringing young folks to the marsh is so huge in their development. Research
on nature deficit disorder is compelling and kids need a chance to see and
interact with the non- human world. Taking the time to bring kids to the marsh
is huge and the look on kids’ faces when we take an owl out of a bag is not
only priceless but reaffirms the need to foster this important link between
kids and nature. I admire and thank you for taking the time to do this. Hopefully
we will see you and your kids out at the marsh again. I know I have said this
too many times, but thanks again it was a hoot!!!
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