I had such excellent plans to put out a blog every night before going to bed but we have been so busy with life which means I had three marsh meetings last week and it never happened however it is time to catch up on the excitement we have been seeing at the marsh .
Over the last week we have banded 40 species and 623 individual birds . Our highest daily total was may 8th when we banded 137 birds helped out in a big way by 38 yellow rumped warblers and 24 red winged blackbirds. I am going to catch up with a bunch of photo's and some totals for the week and hopefully i can keep up . The week was incredible and we had some arrivals that were actually freaking us out as they were so early. Case in point was the early arrival of a mourning warbler on the may 8th pictured here with an american tree sparrow these birds are usually seen on the opposite ends of the month of May
yellow warblers showed up on the 8th
also on the 8th this black and white warbler
orange crowned warbler and a close up of the mourning warbler round out the highlights for the 8th
Not to be out down here are the new arrivals for the may 9th
here is a cape may warbler
a chestnut sided warbler
a beautiful magnolia warbler
the nick name for a blackburnian warbler is fire throat
On Sunday the 10th dragging ourselves out of bed we were rewarded with the stations 8 northern parula one of my favourite birds we also caught a veery but in our excitement did not get a photo
The warbler parade has been amazing if you find these birds amazingly beautiful please come to the hilliardton marsh and see for yourself banding begins daily at sunrise and continues for 7 hours of magical migrant moments. Hope to see you at the marsh.
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